♥ Love San Diego is accepting appointments to pray on-site or virtually for your ministry, business or non-profit.
It would be our honor to pray with you as you lead/serve your organization. God’s word invites us to pray for one another.
Contact Thomas Bush at tbush@prayerassist.org or 619.742.8694 to schedule a time to pray with you. This is not just a prayer for problems – but for the entirety of what God is calling you to do!
We want to praise God for successes, to ask God to supply the business and wisdom you need, to pray for wisdom in decision-making and for positive impact on staff, customers, and the community.
♥ Love San Diego is a prayer and action outreach of Prayer Assist to follow the steps of Jesus into our communities. We want to partner with prayer teams in each San Diego County community. Love San Diego is not an organization, it is a movement that connects with other like-minded kingdom movements.