1 Timothy 2:1-8
Disciples Pray.
In scripture focus for today in 1 Timothy, Paul gives his son in the faith
instructions on how the lead the church in Ephesus. Paul’s urgent direction
to Timothy and to us is to make prayer the first priority in ministry.
According to verse 1, Paul urges timothy to pray 3 kinds of prayers
“petitions, prayers, intercession” with an attitude of “thanksgiving” for
“all people.”
In verse 2, Paul encourages prayer for leaders…. As leaders lead well,
they create the kind of society we all want to live in. Paul says this kind
of prayer pleases God. (v3). God’s desire is for all men to be saved and
come to the knowledge of the truth. (v. 4)
Prayer is an invitation to come into the presence of the living God. This
message has 2 invitations:
Invitation 1: God calls leaders to disciple their member/disciples in
a. Will we join Paul and Timothy with a passion to disciple our
members/disciples with a first priority of praying 3 kinds of prayer with
an attitude of thanksgiving for all people and leaders?
b. Will we provide a praying culture in our churches that gives every
member/disciple an invitation to have this kind of praying lifestyle?
Invitation 2: To Our Church Leaders and member/disciples:
a. As a result of this praying lifestyle, will we see people be blessed by
being prayed for and see more leaders lead well?
b. Will we please God with our praying and see more and more people become
saved and come to the knowledge of the truth?
The Prayer Assist website has 2 FREE prayer guides to use to pray for
people who don’t know Jesus. See the links below to view or download them.